Haruwo "Matou"

How does the season of spring influence us ? 💐


駅の通路に隣接したギャラリーにて、Kinectセンサーをを用いて人流を記録した。その際、洋服の色も同時にカメラから取得し、人が通路を通るたびに服の色で桜が咲いていく仕組みとした。 桜が咲く際は色相から決定された音階によるピアノが鳴り、一定時間になると記録した桜が散り、音階が一続きの旋律へと変換される。

This is an installation that visualizes real-time pedestrian data of Canal Station as cherry blossoms, further converting it into music.

In a gallery adjacent to the station passageway, we recorded the flow of people using a Kinect sensor. At the same time, we captured the colors of people's clothes using the camera. We designed a system where cherry blossoms bloom with the colors of the clothes each time a person passes through the corridor. When the cherry blossoms bloom, a piano plays notes determined by the hue of the colors. After a certain period, the recorded cherry blossoms scatter, and the musical notes are converted into a continuous melody.

process of data conversion 🎨

data flow

made with TouchDesigner / Kinect / Processing / CakeWalk /
