Movable drawings for movable architecture
建築は普通、動かない。しかし、環境に応じて変化し、環境を反映する「媒体」として機能する、 そんな建築があったら? その建築の質を図面にどう表現するか?
Architecture typically doesn't move. But what if there were movable architecture? Such architecture would respond to the environment, transforming itself and acting as a "medium" that reflects the environment. In that case, how should we express the quality of this architecture in drawings?
screen capture of interactive section drawing
screen capture of interactive plan drawing
Interactive drawing system using Rhino & GH 🦏 🦗
Rhinoceros is software primarily used in the fields of product design and architecture for modeling. It includes a feature called Grasshopper, which allows for parametric design to be procedurally scripted.
In this exhibition, our aim was to allow everyone to touch and experience the process of parametric exploration using Rhinoceros & Grasshopper.
About the product 🌳
この課題はShopBotをはじめとする加工技術を用いて、建築・モノづくりを推し進めるVUILDという会社と連携して行われた課題だった。「暮らしの接合部」をテーマに合板2枚で作れるプロダクトを提案。 私が製作したのは樹木に取り付けることで空間を発生させるプロダクト。 可動の機構を取り入れることで、あらゆる形状の樹木と接合し、その樹木の形状を屋根の高さのリズムに反映することで、樹木とプロダクトが有機的に生き生きと一体感をもつようになるのがポイントで、今回展示で伝えたい部分だった。
This project involved collaboration with VUILD, a company advancing manufacturing using ShopBot, to propose a product theme of "junctions in daily life," using two plywood sheets. The product I created generates space by attaching it to trees.
By incorporating a movable mechanism, it can be attached to trees of various shapes, and by reflecting the shape of the tree in the rhythm of the roof height, the product and the tree organically come to life with a sense of unity. This was the key point I aimed to convey in the exhibition.
presentation board
How we made it ⚙️
Because Rhinoceros itself is not made for the usage as an interactive visual system, we had to chune some settings, and connect with another softawer.
Precise tips are on Qiita. I hope it helps you !
made with Rhinoceros / Grasshopper / gHowl / GhGL / TouchDesigner